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Due to NDA restrictions, I am unable to host the majority of the relevant examples (e.g. wireframes, visual designs, prototypes, etc.) of my enterprise level UX work online in an indexable location. However, please visit Edward Vitralis - Portfolio for a work around.

For more playful examples of interaction design, please peruse the prep albums in the Hearth of Britannia event archives and the example below.

To access the character creation demo:

1. Click the image above or here to open the demo event portal.
2. Once loaded, click the "Registration" sign at the top right of the event portal.
3. Click the "Create Character" or the key on the right side of the modal dialog.
4. Click "Yea" in response to the question.
5. Proceed through the demo.

Character Creation for Ultima LARP Event

The goal was to create a fun and engaging way for people to submit registration to a LARP (live action role play) event. Since the event was based on the Ultima series of video games, a registration system that emulated the character creation process from Ultima VI was chosen. Some changes were made for simplification.

Instead of eight player classes like in the game, an attendee may opt to play one or more of three primary professions: fighter, mage, and/or bard. At this event, this simply states that a player will be participating in physical, mental, and/or social quests/activities respectively. The player may also choose zero, one, or both secondary professions: ranger and/or shepherd to volunteer as a role-playing NPC for other player's quests or volunteer to help run the event, respectively.

The system was built using custom animated GIF's built with the original assets from the game, lots of jQuery, HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL. The character creation process was well received by the attendees and successfully set the mood and expectations clearly for the event. A demo has been set up that you can interact with.

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